Guidance Lecture of Malaysia Matriculation Biology


Amran Md Said
Matriculation College of Pahang

potal e-learning KMPh

Pelajar Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang boleh mengakses dan menggunakan bahan pembelajaran
pada pautan dengan menggunakan

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Sekian, terima kasih.


Semua pelajar biologi Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang, dikehendaki hadir ke Ujian Brain Analysis I
seperti ketetapan berikut;-

              Tarikh   : 19 Julai 2012 (Khamis)
              Masa    : 5.00 - 6.00 petang

Sebarang pertanyaan sila berhubung dengan pensyarah anda.

Topical Test 1

Selamat menduduki untuk pelajar KMPh kuiz topical test 1 pada minggu ini. Sila berhubung dengan pensyarah anda untuk info lanjut.

Cell Structure and Functions

At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

2.1  Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

       a)  State cell theory.
       b)  Describe and compare the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

2.2  Microscopic structures of plant and animal cell

       a) Illustrate the detailed structures of typical plant and animal cells.
       b) Compare plant and animal cells

2.3  Structure and functions: cell membrane and organelles.

       a) Describe the structure of the plasma membrane and the functions of each of its   components.
       b) Describe the functions of the plasma membrane.
       c) Describe the structure and functions of the following organelles:
               ·      Nucleus, mitochondria, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, ribosome, lysosome, 
                chloroplast, centriole.

2.4  Cell transport

     Explain the various transport mechanisms across the membrane
       ·    Passive transport:
  •  Simple diffusion
  • Facilitated diffusion
  • Osmosis
      ·  Active transport:
o    Sodium-Potassium Pump
o     Endocytosis and Exocytosis

2.5 Cells are grouped into tissues
      Describe the following types of cells and tissues
  • Animal – epithelial cells (simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, stratified squamous), nerve cell (motor neuron), muscle cells (smooth, striated and cardiac muscle),
  • connective tissues (compact bone, hyaline cartilage and blood)
  • Plant – meristem, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem and phloem

Semester 1 Sesi 2012/203

Biology Matciculation SB016 ditawarkan kepada pelajar Prgram Satu Tahun untuk modul I dan III

berikut adalah topik perbincangan dalam kuliah untuk semster 1

1. Molecules of life (7 hour)
2. Cell structure and functions  (9 hour)
3. Cell division (3 hour)
4. Genetic inheritance (6 hour)
5. Population genetics (2 hour)
6. Expression of biological information
7. Mutation (5 hour)
8. Variation (5 hour)
9. Reproduction and Development (9 hour)
10. Growth (3 hour)

 Selamat belajar.

Molecules of life


 At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

1.1 Water

    (a) Explain the structure of water molecule.
         Emphasize on the polarity and the formation of the hydrogen bond.
   (b) Describe the properties of water and its importance: universal solvent, low viscosity, high  specific
         heat capacity, high latent heat of vaporization, high surface tension, maximum density at 4oC.
         Adhesive and cohesive forces should be explained for surface tension.

1.2 Carbohydrate

  (a) Describe various forms and classes of carbohydrates such as monosaccharides, disaccharides and
       polysaccharides. Describe the formation of α-1,4 glycosidic bond. State the types of glycosidic bonds
 (b) Describe the formation and breakdown of maltose.
 (c) Describe the structures and functions of starch, glycogen and cellulose.

1.3 Lipids

 (a) State the types of lipid: fat,oil, phospholipids and steroids.
 (b) Describe the structure of fatty acids and glycerols.
 (c) Describe the formation and breakdown of triglycerides.

1.4 Proteins Describe the basic structure and classes of amino acids

 (a) Explain how amino acids are grouped. 4 groups (polar, non-polar, acidic and basic)
 (b) Describe the formation and breakdown of dipeptide.
 (c) Explain primary,secondary,tertiary and quaternary levels of proteins and the
      types of bonds involved. e.g.: tertiary (myoglobin), quaternary (haemoglobin).
 (d) Explain the effect of pH and temperature on the structure of protein.
 (e) Classify proteins according to their structure. Classes of protein should be limited to conjugated,
       fibrous and globular.

1.5 Nucleic acids

 (a) Describe the structure of nucleotide as the basic composition of nucleic acid (DNA and RNA).
 (b) Describe the structure of DNA based on the Watson and Crick Model. Emphasise the importance of
      3’ and 5’ ends (antiparallel). State the bonds involved.
 (c) State the types and function of RNA.
 (d) State the differences of DNA and RNA.


Amali Mikroskop

Mutation Note


At the end of this topic, students should be able to:

7.1   Mutation classification and types
        (a)    explain mutation.
        (b)    classify mutation:
                 i.     gene/point mutation
                 ii.    chromosomal mutation
        (c)    state types of mutation:
                 i.    spontaneous mutation (e.g. non-disjunction)
         ii.    induced mutation (e.g. exposure to mutagens)
        (d)    define mutagen.
        (e)    state types of mutagen:
                i.    physical (e.g. UV rays and gamma rays)
                ii.   chemical (e.g. colchicine and ethidium bromide)

7.2  Gene mutation
        (a)    explain gene/point mutation.
        (b)    classify gene mutation:
                i.    base substitution
                ii.   base insertion
        iii.    base deletion
        iv.    base inversion
(c)    describe base substitution as point mutation (e.g. sickle cell anaemia).
(d)    explain frameshift mutation.
(e)    describe base insertion as a frameshift   mutation.
(f)     describe base deletion as a frameshift   mutation.

7.3   Chromosomal mutation
        (a)    explain chromosomal mutation.
        (b)    classify chromosomal mutation:
                i.  chromosomal aberration
                ii. chromosomal number alteration
        (c)    explain chromosomal aberration  (structural changes).
        (d)    state and describe types of chromosomal aberration:
                i.   translocation
                ii.   deletion (segmental deletion)
                iii.   inversion
                iv.  duplication
            (e)    explain alteration of chromosome number.
        (f)     state the types of the alteration:
                i.   aneuploidy
                ii.  euploidy/polyploidy
        (g)    explain aneuploidy.
        (h)    explain autosomal abnormalities and their effects:
        i.    Monosomy (monosomy 21)
       ii.    Trisomy (Down syndrome / trisomy 21)
        (i)       explain sex chromosomal abnormalities:
       i.      Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY)
              ii.     Turner syndrome (45, XO)
         (j)  explain euploidy/polyploidy:
              i.   autopolyploidy
              ii.  allopolyploidy

Biology is Fun

Jom sertai Biology is Fun untuk semua Pelajar Modul I dan II Program Satu Tahun, Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang pada sabtu 16 Jun 2012

Tasik Buatan

Tasik Buatan Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang

Sambil studi biologi jangan lupa beriadah di Tasik Buatan di belakang Blok A, Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang.

Pelajar Sesi 2012/2013

Selamat Datang kepada Pelajar Baru Sesi 2012/2013 ke Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang yang akan melaporkan diri pada 28 Mei 2012 ini semoga anda terus berjaya.

Belajar di Biologi di Kolej Matrikulasi Pahang senang lulus dengan cemerlang kerana kami telah dikenali sebagai Peneraju Kecemerlangan.